Physical Dramaturgy: Ein (neuer) Trend?

Dramaturgie im zeitgenössischen Tanz ist ? positiv gemeint ? ein heißes Eisen. Idealerweise sind Dramaturginnen und Dramaturgen während der Erarbeitung eines Stücks die besten Freunde der Choreografen. more more


Lady G and the dead industrial product

Tuesday 1 June, 2011

TeaserPicDesigned to appeal to everyone over the age of six, Lady Gaga's new album "Born this Way" is basically funfair techno – with a dash of hilarious mock German. Diedrich Diederichsen explains why this is not how good pop music happens.
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Ascent into Antwerp

Wednesday 25 May 2011

The old harbour situated just north of the old city of Antwerp is being infused with new life as a cultural and residential district. Featuring buildings by some of today's best known names in architecture, its latest landmark is the city historical Museum aan de Stroom by Neutelings & Riedijk, which was inaugurated last week. By Roman Hollenstein
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The barb of variety

Tuesday 25 May, 2011

Josef H. Reichholf's large-scale study on the origin of beauty that has just been published in German describes evolution as a kaleidoscope of possibilities and productive wastefulness that relativises all mechanics of necessity. The more complex organisms become, the more they liberate themselves from external living conditions and allow the attraction of beauty to play out its anarchic game. By Horst Bredekamp. Image courtesy Jörg Hempel.
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Lear goes She She Pop

Tuesday 10 May 2011

The feminist theatre collective She She Pop has been invited to the Berlin Theatertreffen for the first time, but with "Testament" a piece about their fathers, of all things. Appearing on stage with their fathers and using recordings of off-stage dialogues, the collective employs its signature confrontational style to examine the poignant and implosive issues inherent to the unspoken contract between generations. By Katrin Bettina Müller
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Witness to intellectual suicide

Tuesday 3 May, 2011

TeaserPicOn what would have been Romanian philosopher E.M. Cioran's 100th birthday, Suhrkamp has published a volume of his essays from the 1930s, "Über Deutschland". Effervescing with enthusiasm for Hitler and fascist ideas, they cast a dark shadow over his later writing. Fritz Raddatz wishes he'd never had to read such abominations and bids a former companion a bitter farewell. Photo: E.M. Cioran © Surhrkamp Verlag
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