Physical Dramaturgy: Ein (neuer) Trend?

Dramaturgie im zeitgenössischen Tanz ist ? positiv gemeint ? ein heißes Eisen. Idealerweise sind Dramaturginnen und Dramaturgen während der Erarbeitung eines Stücks die besten Freunde der Choreografen. more more


Nausea in Paris

Monday 14 November, 2011

TeaserPicIn response to the arson attack on the offices of the Parisian satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on November 2, Danish critic and semiotician Frederik Stjernfelt is nauseated by the opinions voiced against the publication, especially in the British and American media. Why don't they see that Islamism is right-wing extremism?
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Playing Lars

Wednesday 16 September, 2009

Charlotte Gainsbourg spent two months in Germany, either blood-spattered in a dark forest or sealed off in a sterile hotel. She talks to Martina Meister about discovering her limits during the filming of "Antichrist" by Danish director Lars von Trier.
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Grapes from Greenland

Wednesday 4 July, 2007

Continuing the NZZ's series of first-hand accounts of climate change by international writers, Danish author Jorn Riel tells of his psychedelic visions for the future of the Arctic.
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Europe's politics of victimology

Tuesday 30 May, 2006

Flemming Rose, cultural editor at Jyllands-Posten newspaper, justifies his decision to publish the Muhammad cartoons, and takes stock of the controversy they ignited, arguing that Europe must shed the straitjacket of political correctness.
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Rousing the lethargic bull

Wednesday 15 February, 2006

Anyone familiar with Middle Eastern literature knows it abounds with jesters who heap scorn on God, the mullahs, and rulers. But if Western media show endless stereotypes of Muslims - hooded men with machine guns and faces distorted with rage - you should not be surprised when hatred escalates and turns violent. By Navid Kermani
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The right to blaspheme

Tuesday 14 February, 2006

The disconcerting thing about the cartoon conflict is having to remind people that we have the right to commit blasphemy, that picking on the parish priest has long been a national sport. When we talk about anti-Muslim racism, we ask: what race are we talking about? Is Islam genetically transmittable? An open letter by eleven French writers.
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Who's afraid of Muhammad?

Thursday 2 February, 2006

In September, the Danish paper Jyllands-Posten printed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Some Muslims were not amused. Jörg Lau explains how the seemingly innocent pictures caused an international crisis.
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The twelve Muhammad cartoons

Thursday 2 February, 2006

A new Rushdie affair? The European press is full of the heated debate over the Muhammad cartoons. A survey.
Updated on Friday, February 24.
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"I am an American woman"

Thursday 17 November, 2005.

Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier talks about sexual fantasies, the Pope, America, slavery and his new film "Manderlay" with an undaunted Katja Nicodemus.
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Hot rubber and no boots

Wednesday 13 July, 2005

In Roskilde, people don't wait for Bob Geldof to provide them with live music. Every year, those willing to do without sleep and toilets take part in the raucous ritual of the Roskilde Festival. And proceeds go to a worthy cause. This year, everything was great, except the music. By Andreas Becker
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