Physical Dramaturgy: Ein (neuer) Trend?

Dramaturgie im zeitgenössischen Tanz ist ? positiv gemeint ? ein heißes Eisen. Idealerweise sind Dramaturginnen und Dramaturgen während der Erarbeitung eines Stücks die besten Freunde der Choreografen. more more


Disillusioned but not disoriented

Thursday 27 October, 2005

Thomas Ostermeier, director at Berlin's Schaubühne, has staged "Hedda Gabler". Henrik Ibsen, he says, has a lot to say about the world as we know it: morally improverished, metaphysically empty but not without hope.
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"Please God, come back from holiday"

Thursday 20 October, 2005

Helena Waldmann is the first female director from the West to have been invited to work in Iran. The result of her project "Letters from Tentland" is now touring Europe. An interview with Sylvia Staude.
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"It's poetry – not prattle"

Thursday 1 September, 2005

Today's theatre is losing its pull. Why? "Maybe we don't cook so well these days. No one goes to a restaurant if it doesn't serve good food. We put ourselves 60 centimetres over other people. If we don't have anything to say, we shouldn't put ourselves there in the first place", says director Andrea Breth. An interview with Stefan Keim and Reinhard Wengierek (Image: © Bernd Uhlig)
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Merkel's a total cutie!

Monday 15 August, 2005

Christoph Schlingensief's controversial "Parsifal" is showing at the Wagner Festival for the second year running. He talks to Tina Hildebrandt and Stephan Lebert about hero impersonators in politics, zombies in Bayreuth and pre-election Germany.
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Fighting in the sandbox

Tuesday 15 March, 2005

Is there an East / West war in German theatre? Is the Berlin Cultural Senator an agent of sinister socialist forces? Is a new Wall going up in the capital? Or are budget cuts finally bringing together what belong together? A report from the Berlin battlefield. By Peter Kümmel.
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