Dramaturgie im zeitgenössischen Tanz ist ? positiv gemeint ? ein heißes Eisen. Idealerweise sind Dramaturginnen und Dramaturgen während der Erarbeitung eines Stücks die besten Freunde der Choreografen. more
L'Espresso | Outlook India | Der Spiegel | Gazeta Wyborcza | The
Spectator | Elet es Irodalom | The New Yorker | The Times Literary
Supplement | Ozon | Le Nouvel Observateur | London Review of Books |
Heti Vilaggazdasag | The New York Times
L'Espresso, 21.07.2005 (Italy) Relativism, Fundamentalism, Integrationism: Umberto Eco tries
to bring some clarity to the present debates about evolution, God and
the world and explains why these problems are not being caused by
Catholics at the moment. "There can be no such thing as Catholic
fundamentalism – which was at issue in the debates during the
Reformation – because the Catholics leave the interpretation of the
scriptures to the church. Even among the Church fathers there were discussions
between the supporters of scriptural literalism and a more open
interpretation like the one by Augustin, who had no problems
recognizing that the Bible often talks in metaphors and allegories. He
didn't have a problem with the idea that the seven days of creation
could have taken seven thousand years. And the church has accepted this
Outlook India, 25.07.2005 (India)
Sanjay Suri is not surprised that the London bombers were Pakistanis
and tries to open the eyes of the naive British to the immense
differences within the community generally referred to as "British
Asian": "Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis occupy
very different worlds behind that smokescreen. The Pakistani world
particularly is like no other," argues Suri. Above all, Suri says that
the Pakistanis shouldn't be confused with successful Indians. "School
results regularly show Pakistanis down at the bottom of the table, at
the opposite end to Indians. 'The national average is 50 per cent of
students getting the top five grades in GCSE exams,' Prof Muhammed
Anwar from the Centre of Research in Ethnic Relations at Warwick
University told Outlook. 'For Pakistani and Bangladeshi students it is
just 30 per cent, for Indian and Chinese students it's much higher than
the national average.'"
The Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was guilty of a "suicidal lack
of political correctness" when he was awarded an honorary doctorate at
Oxford University on July 8th. In his acceptance speech he praised the
benefits of British colonial rule, sparking considerable debate among
historians. Sheela Reddy summarized the arguments.
Der Spiegel, 18.07.2005 (Germany) In his most recent novel "Saturday", british author Ian McEwan describes a demonstration in London against the Iraq war.
As the protagonist's daughter stands among the demonstrators, her
father is annoyed by their egocentricity. McEwan explains in an interview
why he can identify with the father: "The discussion was not just over
the question of war or peace. What was being debated was the
continuation of torture, genocide and the abuse of human rights in a fascist state.
The peace camp disregarded this. I agreed that the Americans probably
didn't have an ideal conception of how to rebuild a nation, but when
one thought about what it would mean to leave Saddam in power... I see
a moral problem in the fact that hundreds of thousands took to the
streets to prevent a war against a fascist state and felt good doing so."
Gazeta Wyborcza, 16.07.2005 (Poland)
"We try too hard to rationalize the behaviour and thought processes of
the terrorists", says French Islam observer Olivier Roy in an interview
with the Polish daily. "Of course, now they say they acted because of
the occupation of Iraq as a way of legitimising their attacks and
winning the support of Muslims.... but the terrorists don't want to
take their revenge, and they don't want to punish us for what we are.
Their aggression is an attempt to stop themselves becoming like us.
They live in the West, in the cage of western values and laws that they
cannot identify with. What we have been dealing with for the past
quarter of a century is a revolutionary chaos, a generational conflict
in the Muslim world. It's also the globalisation of Islam." Roy also
takes the time to allay the fears of his Polish interlocutor. "With all
due respect for Warsaw – your city is not prominent enough to make it a
worthwhile target."
The Spectator, 16.07.2005 (GB) Boris Johnson has no idea what motivated the London bombers. But he believes
the West made a mistake: the attempt to sell the Iraq war as a war
against terror. "To the paranoid Muslim mind, the obvious bogusness of
the ‘war on terror' — in so far as it applied to Iraq — suggested that
the war was really about something else: about oil, about humiliating
and dominating the Islamic world; and because they make no separation
between religion and politics, the bogus 'war on terror' seemed to
imply an undeclared war on Islam, and that was an impression that
neither Bush nor Blair properly corrected. If the neocon project means
democracy throughout the Middle East, and Starbucks, and women being
able to drive, then I am an ardent neocon. Just don't call it war."
Elet es Irodalom, 15.07.2005 (Hungary) The writer Istvan Eörsi says
that global terrorism is not the result of religious or ideological
conflicts but poverty in the Third World. "We have to recognize that
there is a perspective beyond our European-American viewpoint, a
perspective that self-defence is justified. Maybe we recoil at their
methods, maybe we despise their fanaticism, but we should remember one
thing: our methods are no better, our lucrative cynicism is perhaps
more entertaining but it is by no means more moral than this murderous
Literary critic Laszlo Bedecs praises "Bumgartesz", the new novel by Vienna-based Jehan Calvus, a writer from
the multiethnic region of Transylvania. Calvus has written a novel in
the shadow of Jorge Luis Borges, a "novel in essayistic form about the
search for the ideal language". The reviewer is clearly happy to lose
himself in the labyrinth of associations "from the studios of painters of the Middle Ages to futuristic train stations", because "in this
extensive and dense prose the author ironically leaves every sentence
unfinished, every thought incomplete and every question incompletely
posited. ... The novel's images conjure up the colourful, overfilled,
almost surreal world of the films of Peter Greenaway, the extensive
graphics, calligraphy and puppet photos lay down a challenge to the
muse-like, essayistic and simultaneously playful and ironic text."
The New Yorker, 25.07.2005 (USA) The unstoppable Seymour Hersh is on the 'money trail' again, this time uncovering campaign spending by certain departments within the American government in support of the Iraqi presidential candidate Ijad Allawi. President Bush officially denied any inolvement: "A
former senior intelligence official told me, 'The election clock was
running down, and people were panicking. The polls showed that the
Shiites were going to run off with the store. The Administration had to
do something. How?' By then, the men in charge of the C.I.A. were
'dying to help out, and make sure the election went the right way,' the
recently retired C.I.A. official recalled. It was known inside the
intelligence community, he added, that the Iranians and others were
providing under-the-table assistance to various factions. The concern,
he said, was that 'the bad guys would win.'"
The Times Literary Supplement, 15.07.2005 (GB) It's like a comet hitting earth or Wittgenstein's impact on academic Philosophy. That's the effect that British writer and philosopher Roger Scruton predicts Richard Taruskin's six-volume "History of Western Music"
will have on musicology. "Old life is extinguished, new life promoted,
and the landscape for ever transformed," he says, "For this is not just
a work of academic musicology. It is also, and primarily, a work of
cultural criticism, which places Western music in its full historical
and literary context. With confident succinctness, Taruskin evokes the
time and place of each composer, the currents of thought and feeling
that animated the society in which he lived, and the artistic and
spiritual expressions that give retrospective form and meaning to his
epoch. Envisage Heinrich Wölfflin's art-historical imagination, Donald
Tovey's analytical genius and Hugo Riemann's understanding of harmonic
function, all deployed by a critical intelligence of the order of T. S.
Eliot. And imagine the combination brought entirely up to date, with a
sceptical grasp of all the fashionable mantras, from 'metanarratives'
to 'the hermeneutics of suspicion'. That, roughly speaking, is
Ozon, 14.07.2005 (Poland) "I don't know what to make of Tony Blair", confesses
Jacek Karnowski in the Polish magazine Ozon. "I just can't figure him out.
Just as I think I've worked out who he is, something unpredictable
happens that puts him in a completely different light. Even British
commentators and the nation itself don't really know what to make of
him. Until recently, nobody could stand him. But thanks to the
French and Dutch electorates, the IOC and Islamic terrorists he's once
again become the leader of the nation."
Le Nouvel Observateur, 14.07.2005 (France) The
Nouvel Obs is starting a new summer series in its debate section: for
six weeks scientists and researchers from five continents report on how
opening up to other cultures and societies can benefit us. Its kicked
off by former pupil and successor of Claude Levi-Strauss at the College
de France, the ethnologist and social anthropologist Philippe Descola
(more on his work here). In his piece he discussed
his research trips to the Jivaros, an Amazonian tribe in Ecuador.
Descola, who is mainly interested in the contradictions of nature and
culture, writes "The difference between nature and culture is unique to
us. (...) Other societies have divided the roles up differently. When a
native Indian hunts an animal, it may well be that he's hunting an
endangered species. But for a Jivaro the idea of saving an animal is
just as absurd as protecting a neighbour. From what? The neighbour with
whom he is fighting is simply there, that's all. He's not an endangered
species." In the subsequent episodes there'll be reports from Japan,
Africa, China, Australia and India.
Anyone who's up for it can do this year's totally demoralizing summer quiz on the French language. But at least you can find the solution in the same edition.
London Review of Books, 21.07.2005 (GB)
Very interesting and accurate is the verdict from Maya Jasanoff on Gautam Chakravarty's monograph "The Indian Mutiny and the British Imagination"
about events in 1957 and their portrayal in British history books and
literature. Jasanoff is especially fascinated by the figure of the Brit
dressed-up as an Indian, something the writer links to the British
belief in their superiority. "You can almost hear the ‘culturally
cross-dressed spy-hero' crying out to postcolonial theorists for
analysis. To assess these characters Chakravarty invokes Homi Bhabha's
influential essay 'Of Mimicry and Man',
on the ways that colonised subjects emulated or adopted the culture of
their colonisers. But where Bhabha's mimic men challenge imperial
authority by making a mockery of it, Chakravarty argues that these
Britons in disguise work to bolster imperial power, to play out a
‘fantasy of mastery and colonial knowledge'. Getting inside the skin of
the Indians is the ultimate statement of dominance: knowing them better
than they do themselves."
Heti Vilaggazdasag, 13.07.2005 (Hungary) A large exhibition
of Street Art has just opened in Budapest. Taking part are established
international artists but also lesser-known groups such as M-City and Vlep(v)net from Poland, Ziga Aljaz from Slovenia, Romanian Stencil Archive and Guerrilla Propaganda from Hungary. Publicist Geza Hars takes
the opportunity to break a lance for graffiti: "Why is it that nobody
gets upset about the stupidity of giant billboards and subway
advertising or the horrible aesthetics of some shop facades? There are
fewer and fewer advertising-free spaces around us, and we are
increasingly unable to look around us without finding someone trying to
sell us something and trying to impose their taste and Weltanschauung
on us. And then we get upset about the people who are trying to reclaim
a piece of the space that advertising has stolen from us?"
The New York Times, 17.07.2005 (USA) During the Presidential elections Michael Ignatieff was in Iran to give lectures on democracy and human rights. In the New York Times Magazine he recalls
surprisingly self-confident interviewees, professors who just
smiled at his godless belief in human rights, and students for whom his
reform proposals were too cautious. "The women in the class
were not
happy with my suggestion that they should reform Shariah from within. 'There should be one law for everybody, not two systems, one of
Islamic law and the other of secular law," one student argued. I
agree, I said, but it's not obvious how you are going to get there in
Iran. The students found this too defeatist. 'We are very glad that
you come to our class, professor,' one said to me, 'but you are too
nice to the Shariah law. It must be abolished. It cannot be changed.'"