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Literaturen | The New Yorker | L`Espresso | London Review of Books | L`Express | Lettre International | The Economist | Magyar Narancs | Al Ahram Weekly | Le point | Le Nouvel Observateur
Literaturen, 01.07.2005 (Germany)Slobodan Milosevic put forward Austrian author Peter Handke as a defence witness at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the Hague. But instead of standing before court, the writer sent Literaturen a twenty page diatribe against the "farce of a court",
in which he demands that charges be brought against NATO and denies
that the chains of command originated with Milosevic. "I am utterly
convinced that the World Tribunal, as it meets for session (upon
session) in Hall One, the one time Haag Chamber of Commerce, is no good
- and that as much as it might administer justice on a formal level, it
is from its very beginnings, foundations and origins wrong and it
remains wrong and acts wrongly and will continue to allow wrong to be
done – that it contributes not a single iota to establishing the truth
– and that in the face of the not only noble but, unlike other ideas,
immortal idea of justice, it administers an appalling mockery: in other
words it is the WRONG COURT. Yes my 'inner conviction' goes so far as
to say that I not only see Slobodan Milosevic before the wrong court,
but - and although I by no means believe he is 'not guilty' – I
believe that he is 'not guilty according to the terms of the charge',
and of the organisation of the trial, its behaviour, and its leadership
at the hands of the judge."
The New Yorker, 27.06.2005 (USA)Hanna
Rosin portrays the Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia,
where young Christians are trained to be politicians. "One of the
students, Elisa Muench, has hung photographs of the Bushes and the
Cheneys on her walls, Elisa tries to read the Bible every day, usually
in the morning before working out. She explained that in any other
school she'd be considered a true conservative, which is what she
considers herself, "but at Patrick Henry I’m more liberal.'" Elisa
believes "that the Bible dictates that 'there are different roles for
men and women'. But the expectation of most of the guys she knows at
Patrick Henry - that wives should just 'fade out,' that she should
instantly take on the identity of a wife and mother 'and consider it a
blessing' - is not something that she’s comfortable with. 'I just think
there’s more that God called me to do, and that's a hard thing to say
around here'."
L`Espresso, 23.06.2005 (Italy)Umberto Eco peers
into the tube and finds it full of all sorts of friendly law
enforcement officers. On the big screen and on TV, today's policemen
are loveable, humane and sometimes even gay. Up until the mid-eighties
the picture was very different, reports Eco and he holds politics
responsible for the change. "The climate is different today because
after the tragic years of terrorism, left-wing parties turned towards
the state and therefore no longer made enemies of the law. Today – a
wonderful ironic turn – it is the Right which brands the judges and
their executives as criminals. Seen in this light the television, or
Mediaset (Berlusconi's media enterprise) counteracts Berlusconi's
attacks against the administration. Soon things will have gone so far
that TV audiences will see the police and the officers of the law as a
left-wing brigade that bizarrely takes its orders from government."
London Review of Books, 23.06.2005 (UK)Patrick
Whright reports humorously on a very particular kind of convenience
marriage. The newly published "DPM: Disruptive Pattern Material; An
Encyclopedia of Camouflage: Nature - Military – Culture" informed him
of the important role played by artists in the evolution of military
camouflage. For some this came as a surprise: 'I well remember at the
beginning of the war,' Gertrude Stein wrote in 1938, 'being with
Picasso on the Boulevard Raspail when the first camouflaged truck
passed. It was at night, we had heard of camouflage but we had not seen
it and Picasso, amazed, looked at it and then cried out, yes it is we
who made it, that is Cubism.'
In a stirring portrait,
Eliot Weinberger introduces us to the Chinese poet Gu Cheng, who was
born in 1956 in Peking. His happiest days were spent during the
Cultural Revolution when his family sent him to herd pigs in the salt
desert of Shandong Province. "The locals spoke a dialect Gu Cheng could
not understand, and in his isolation he became absorbed in the natural
world: 'Nature’s voice became language in my heart. That was
happiness.'" It was not to last long. Gu Cheng, who lived in New Zealand
and Berlin among other places, lost his mind and in 1993 he murdered
his wife and then committed suicide.
L`Express, 20.06.2005 (France)
Punctually at the beginning of the French great holiday migrations, Amandine Hirou goes on a sociological tour of the world's beaches
– on which, depending on the country, very different morals and customs
prevail. Anthropologist Didier Urbain, for example, alleges in his book
("Balneaire. Une histoire des bains de mer", published by LBM): "The beach
provides a fantastic terrain for observation, one that tells
much about the political, social and religious situation in the various
countries." The strange phenomenon that many Western vacationers go to
mass beaches to find "peace", and even believe they find it there,
Urbain explains as follows: "Doubtless because at the bottom of his
heart the 'beach vacationer' is looking for the company of people like
himself. He does not go there simply to swim in the sea, but to plunge
into a sea of sociability." Among many astonishing details, we learn that some Chinese beaches have a hierarchical "lying order", according to whether one is boss, employee or worker.
Lettre International, 18.06.2005 (Germany)
Global business is one theme in this week's Lettre, which overflows with very readable articles. Isabel Hilton visits China's rural factories, and reports
on workers who have been burned like fuel in global production and are
now fatally ill and fighting for compensation. Hilton visited a Chinese
factory for the first time thirty years ago, when students, both local
and foreign, were sent to work in factories. That "gave me an lasting
impression of the theatrical side of the Chinese revolution. On our last morning we had to tidy up the workshop, because foreign visitors
had been announced. That afternoon we were solemnly shown around the
very same shop – the visitors were us." (Excerpt in German here. Original English version available in the latest issue of Granta magazine.)
The Economist, 17.06.2005 (UK)
British papers have considerable difficulties establishing an Internet presence, reports the Economist, not lastly because of the excellent – publicly financed – online presence of the BBC.
"Part of the papers' problem online is that they're papers: they don't
understand moving pictures and graphics. The BBC's television
background gives it a feel for what works well on the Internet. And, crucially, it has far more journalists on tap than any newspaper. As the Sun website's night team of four people rushed to cover the result of Michael Jackson's
child-abuse trial this week, its editor, Pete Picton, was dismayed to
see how much the BBC was doing and with what resources. 'They had a
micro-site, journalists coming out of their ears, different angles and
their own video footage,' he says. 'We can't compete with their breadth of material.'"
Magyar Narancs, 16.06.2005 (Hungary)
In the wake of the constitutional debacle, Balint Szlanko, Brussels correspondent for this Hungarian left-liberal weekly, castigates West Europeans for their laziness. "The vile monster of favouritism has raised its ugly head in the West, its eyes lit up with xenophobia... The lazy French
– and the lazy Western Europeans in general – do not feel like competing
with the cheaper labour costs in Eastern Europe – or with the Eastern
European economies, that can produce goods more cheaply." For Szlanko, the
decisive question after the debacle is "whether the European public can
accept that the EU represents the sole instrument for coping with the
increasingly harsh competition in the globalised world. Only the
European Union can use globalisation and harvest its fruits, while
simultaneously protecting us from globalisation's most unpleasant effects.
Only transnational institutions can successfully handle transnational phenomena."
Al Ahram Weekly, 16.06.2005 (Egypt)
Palestinian Knesset member Azmi Bishara gives a pithy and competent description of the "Gordian knot" that is blocking political development, comprising the rentier state model (more here),
the legitimation crisis of the national state, US oil
interests and finally Islam, which is present on many different levels.
"Arab regimes have used Islamic rhetoric as an alternative
means for establishing their legitimacy, while simultaneously
exploiting the rise of non- democratic radical Islamist movements as a
way of intimidating their societies. Meanwhile, state repression of the
non-democratic Islamist alternative works to make that agenda the only apparent alternative. Political movements without a martyrdom cult tend to withdraw rapidly from the fray when faced with repression."
Le point, 16.06.2005 (France)
Bernard-Henri Levy addresses central questions of the hostage issue after the liberation of journalist Florence Aubenas: Ransom or no ransom? Public hue and cry or no? Is journalism still possible?
Concerning the tasks facing journalists he writes: "Should one, as some
have already suggested, refrain from covering conflicts that are too
risky? Should one, like many American reporters, consent to the
unnatural practice of 'embedding'? Or should one lie low? Infiltrate?
Should journalists disguise themselves? Will journalists have to change
their status to protect themselves, and pass themselves off for what
they are not? Will they have to become a new kind of 'agent' in the
service of truth? I know these questions are taboo. I know they
touch on the very ethics of an activity that Sartre – himself a great
journalist - liked to call the essence of publicity and transparency.
No matter. I fail to see how the profession can avoid asking them, if
it wants to learn from the suffering of Florence and Hussein."
Le Nouvel Observateur, 16.06.2005 (France)
The rejection of the EU constitution by the French and the Dutch has plunged Europe into a "crisis of identity", writes US economist and Europe-watcher Jeremy Rifkin (more here): "Strangely, it is less the European constitution that is at stake in the current debate than the future of capitalism,
not only in Europe but worldwide. Europeans are increasingly asking
themselves whether the model of free or social market economy is the ideal way
to a future economic order. The referenda provided French and Dutch
voters with an indirect means of expressing their hopes, fears and
biases about economic development." Rifkin thinks it's unfortunate that
current discussion turns around the two extremes of capitalism and socialism.
But he writes that if a reformed European social economy were able to
balance the "tensions between the entrepreneurial spirit of capitalism
and the social solidarity of socialism," it could be a "model for the rest of the world."