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Outlook India | Odra | ADN cultura | The New Yorker | Nepszabadsag | The Economist | L'Espresso | The New York Review of Books | The Independent |
Outlook India 04.02.2008 (India)The magazine prints an abridged version of a speech given by Indian writer Arundhati Roy in Istanbul one year after the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. Roy admits that if she'd been in Turkey at the time, she would have accompanied Dink's coffin through the streets to commemorate the long history of genocide and expulsion in Europe and India. "With the possible exception of China, India today has the largest population of internally displaced people in the world. Dams alone have displaced more than 30 million people. The displacement is being enforced with court decrees or at gunpoint by policemen, by government-controlled militias or corporate thugs. (In Nandigram, even the CPI(M) had its own armed militia.) The displaced are being herded into tenements, camps and resettlement colonies where, cut off from a means of earning a living, they spiral into poverty."
And Bhaichand Patel has observed a rise in the numbers of sex attacks on white women in India. This is a racist phenomenon he says, firstly because white women are commonly assumed to be willing to go to bed with any old fool and secondly - here his article takes a curious turn – because Indian women are clearly shown that they are less sexy to Indian men than white women.
Odra 28.01.2008 (Poland)"When it comes to energy policy, we still think in terms of gigantic coal or nuclear power plants," writes environmentalist Ludwikiem Tomialojc with regret. In his view, Poles are still deeply rooted in socialism as far as ecology goes. Anti-environmentalist hysteria is widespread, backed by lobby groups. Tomialojc cites as an example the discussion surrounding the country's first nuclear power plant: "It would be the biggest present we could give a French or American company. We'd have to buy the technology and materials, bring in engineers from these countries and import the raw material from Russia. Then we'd be faced with the problem of storage and many other difficulties. For the same cost we could develop safe - and just as effective – renewable energy technologies."
ADN cultura 26.01.2008 (Argentina)
Chilean journalist Luis Harss explains to author and journalist Tomas Eloy Martinez how a literary canon is born. Forty years ago, Harss more or less single-handedly set off the worldwide explosion of interest in Latin American literature with his book "Los Nuestros" portraying ten authors: "It was a 'Mafia'. That's what Carlos Fuentes, Julio Cortazar and Mario Vargas Llosa called the network of writers between Mexico City, Paris and Buenos Aires. It was a circle of friends who read and admired each others' works, and its boundaries were constituted less by a given country than by the Spanish language… Julio Cortazar was the first one I met. He said to me: 'Just around the corner lives a guy called Mario Vargas Llosa. He's published one book, hardly anyone knows him, but he's a fantastic writer. I recommend him highly.' I visited Vargas Llosa in his dark little room and we sat down in front of my tape recorder. That's how it was with the others, too. I called them up or knocked on their doors and said: 'I've been told you've written a great book.'"
The New Yorker 04.02.2008 (USA)Interesting but a little on the trendy side is Joan Acocella's verdict of "God's Crucible: Islam and the Making of Europe" a study on the Muslim conquest of Spain by US historian and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner David Levering Lewis. The book should be read in the dual context of postcolonialism and the history of terrorism, the latter being at least in part a result of the ignorance and arrogance of western history writing. Lewis "clearly regrets that [after Spain] the Arabs did not go on to conquer the rest of Europe. The halting of their advance was instrumental, he writes, in creating 'an economically retarded, balkanized, and fratricidal Europe." This is too ideological for Acocella. She foresees "a time when another matter important to us, the threat of ecological catastrophe, will prompt a historian to write a book in praise of the early Europeans whom Lewis finds so inferior to the Muslims. The Franks lived in uncleared forests, while the Muslims built fine cities, with palaces and aqueducts? All the better for the earth."
Further articles: Evan Osnos reports on the increasing popularity of boxing which was banned under Mao and the its new rising star Zou Shiming (1,70 tall, 48 kilos). Alex Ross profiles Jonny Greenwood, the guitarist of the British band Radiohead who has written a filmscore and an orchestral work.
Nepszabadsag 26.01.2008 (Hungary)Aside from the pending governmental reforms the Hungarian public sphere is wrestling with a breakout of "dog-whistle politics." The term refers to politicians' use of ambiguous language to cloak messages in their speeches that have a specific meaning only for a targeted subgroup in the audience. Political scientist Csaba Gombar reflects on the use of "dog-whistle politics" which lies halfway between the politeness of political correctness and the honesty of public hate speeches. "The language is seemingly neutral and full of weighty historical phrases, but among the select group who understand the intended meaning it produces feelings of comfort and sympathetic gazes aimed at the politicians who use it and who are almost impossible to take by their word. What is so problematic about 'dog-whistle politics?' On the surface, it does no one any harm. The intended meaning is almost impossible to prove as there are always mutliple meanings. One could almost say that 'dog-whistle politics' goes in the direction of political correctness. But the question remains as to whether there is a difference between politeness and deceitfulness. And although this question might also be difficult to answer, one can confidently say that 'dog-whistle politics' is only a form of and a silky precursor to full-blown hatred – and as such it represents a threat to our reputation and our souls."
The Economist 26.01.2008 (UK)The Economist describes the thwarted attempts of Rupert Murdoch to conquer the Chinese media market. "The Chinese let him invest lavishly in internet and programming companies, thus giving them precious technical know-how. They particularly admired Mr Murdoch's management structure because it was like theirs: a Sun King at the centre with acolytes all around. The Chinese were excellent businessmen, but they wanted China's profits for China. Even with investments in groundbreaking television production in China, Mr Murdoch could not win for himself the concessions that usually came with publishing favourable editorials for presidents and prime ministers in the West. The Murdoch charm had beguiled the highest levels of government in Australia, America and Britain. In China, it failed."
L'Espresso 25.01.2008 (Italy)