Dramaturgie im zeitgenössischen Tanz ist ? positiv gemeint ? ein heißes Eisen. Idealerweise sind Dramaturginnen und Dramaturgen während der Erarbeitung eines Stücks die besten Freunde der Choreografen. more
Merkur | Le Figaro | Literaturen |The Spectator | Outlook India | Die Weltwoche | Nepszabadsag | The Times Literary Supplement | L'Espresso | Przekroj | London Review of Books
Merkur 01.12.2006 (Germany)
Wolf Dieter Enkelmann director of the Institut für
Wirtschaftsgestaltung (institute for business structuring) considers
what makes Europe what it is and comes up with the following thoughts:
"Europeans are eccentric in the literal sense of the world. This shines
vividly through most of the history of the world. But unbeknown to
them. So strongly has this become second nature even to those for whom
respectability has pride of place. They seek their identity in their
aims, their centre in alienation. Hard-line defenders of the status quo
look quite different. Europeans see chances where others see only
abysses and the end of all justice. What would Europe be without the
migration of peoples, without its adventurers and soldiers of fortune,
its refugees and expellees, those who have betrayed their fatherland or
lost their homeland, without all those who found Europe intolerable? A
longing for distant shores: it is tempting to think of this as a
European invention. Eccentricity is a hallmark of Christianity, but it
was already written into the original mythology which the peoples of
this continent invoke through their common name."
Le Figaro 27.11.2006 (France)
Philosopher Alain Finkielkraut restates his opinion on the affair of philosophy teacher Robert Redeker,
who has received death threats because of his article criticizing
Islam. Redeker is currently living in hiding. Finkielkraut demands
clarity, and criticizes the "Yes, but..." approach with which
intellectuals and politicians defend Redeker's right to free speech:
"Even if he is wrong - Redeker is not a racist, as Olivier Roy
and others suggest. Redeker is not attacking collectively, but rather
condemning what he sees as the intolerance and bellicosity of a
religious teaching. We must remind those apostles of justice, bothered
as they are by Redeker's vehemence because supposedly this is the
teaching of the poor, that Sartre – using the same logic of
empathy in the middle of the Stalinist ice age – pictured every
anti-communist as a dog. Anyone who wants to prevent the victory of the infamous has to part with the notion that the downtrodden, disrespected, damned of this earth are always innocent even if guilty, and that the 'rulers' are always guilty even when innocent."
Literaturen 01.12.2006 (Germany)
Manfred Schneider delivers an acerbic observation on how a return of a patriotism of values
is emerging on the horizon of moral philosophy and pedagogy. Take, for
example, Wolfram Weimer's plea for the strengthening of values and
moral fortitude through religion ("Credo") and Bernhard Bueb's pedagogical hymn, "In Praise of Discipline,"
in which the former head of the Schloss Salem boarding school espouses
a return to authority and discipline. Schneider sees this as a stiff, top-down pedagogy of do's and don'ts, meant to replace
independent experience: "Why does the teacher begrudge others this
experience? Why shouldn't youth, too, follow the crooked path strewn
with errors and disappointments, instead of stumbling along from one
guidepost of discipline and authority to the next? The modern world
even broke the authority of organized religion, because modernity
wanted to promote experience and experiment over belief."
The Spectator 27.11.2006 (UK)
Neil Barnett recounts his meeting with the poisoned former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko,
who died last week, and gleans a fascinating observation from the
latter's friend, Vladimir Bukowski. "In July, the Duma passed two very
interesting laws. One permits security forces to kill extremists,
even abroad. The second one expands the definition of 'extremist' to
cover anyone who criticizes the regime in a slanderous manner. The
process is as follows: a death penalty is passed in absentia, and then
the FSB (Federal Security Service) or GRU (military
intelligence) is charged with carrying out the sentence. When I saw
Sasha a couple of weeks ago, he did not mention being watched or
threatened, but probably only because this had become a permanent part
of his life."
Outlook India 04.12.2006 (India)
Has Indian literary criticism been reduced to fit on the back of a book? Sheela Reddy exposes the composition of book-jacket testimonials
as a lucrative and incestuous business that tricks the reader:
"Khushwant Singh let me know that 'most well-known writers of such
texts don't even read the book. They praise it because they like the
author or know him personally.' In India, connections are everything. Authors increasingly depend on networking and take care of the reviewing business themselves."
Die Weltwoche 23.11.2006 (Switzerland)
"If someone offers you a tape or interview with Bin Laden, you don't hesitate to accept it, even if it means you'll end up in Guantanamo." Ahmed Sheikh, editor in chief of Al Jazeera TV, in an interview
with the rather toothless Pierre Heumann, is pure paradox: a journalist
bound to report the news, while operating from a firm ideological
basis. "The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most important
reasons behind the continued simmering of all these crises and
problems. The foundation of Israel is the source of our problems. The
west should finally wise up: things would be much more peaceful if
the Palestinians got their due."
Nepszabadsag 25.11.2006 (Hungary)
Fifteen years after German unification, political scientist Laszlo Lengyel seeks balance and analyses the foundations of the crisis in eastern central European democracies: they oriented themselves to the transformation process of the western countries after World War II, and expected, after the "hell" of socialism and the "purgatory" of the transitional period, marked by "wild" capitalism, to see the establishment of "paradise" on earth – a more just, more secure, social capitalism. "On the social and political map of the new gentrification, Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava and Budapest just don't compare with competitors Vienna, Milan, Munich and Berlin. This is especially hard to take, for those who were always pushed to the sidelines, both under the old and the new systems, and who have to live in deep poverty, without support... So is there really any such thing as 'capitalism with a human face', is there no sensible goal, or are we simply incapable of achieving it?"
The Times Literary Supplement 22.11.2006 (UK)
Age of Apology came to a head with 1990s contrition chic: Bill Clinton
apologized for slavery, Tony Blair for the Irish Famine, the Pope for
the Crusades. David Lowenthal takes a look at two new books on the
subject. Reparations politics, writes Lowenthal, are often little more
than "narcissistic therapy" and a way to deflect from the problems of the
present. "Many today find it incredible that racism and genocide and
gross inequality are the usual human condition.... Few recall that in
the 1830s, when enlightened Britain ended slavery in its West Indian
colonies, compensation went not to ex-slaves for deprivation of liberty
but to slave owners for deprivation of property. We may well lament
past misdeeds, but current morality cannot justify anachronistic
defamation of their perpetrators, acting by the moral climate of their
own day."
L'Espresso 30.11.2006 (Italy)With
the aid of three different translations Umberto Eco proves that headscarf wearing was never recommended in the Koran. He refers to Sura 24
(presumably verse 31) which deals with covering the chest. Head covering was a Christian idea. "The vicar general of the
Italian Sufi brotherhood Jerrahi Halveti, Gabriele Mandel Khan, points
out (in his commentary on Islam) with a certain satisfaction that it was
the Apostle Paul (in chapter 11 of his first letter to the Corinthians), but Paul
limited this command to women praying and prophesying. Long before
the Koran was written, Tertullian (who despite being sympathetic to the
beliefs of the Montanists was most definitely a Christian) outlined in
his writings "On the Apparel of Women": God bids you to be veiled. I believe He does so for fear the heads of some should be seen!'"
Przekroj 23.11.2006 (Poland)Sun,
sand and cheap property – Europe is discovering the benefits of its
"promising new EU member", Bulgaria, writes Wawrzyniec Smoczynski.
"Estate agents are springing up all over the place, and investors from Western
Europe are everywhere. Even in the places that look a nightmare from one
of Andrzej Stasiuk's books, you can spot cars with British number
plates." Many Bulgarians are enthusiastic about entering the EU, but
the ubiquitous pursuit of profit is distorting perception on both
sides. A Bulgarian journalist warns: "You Poles are constantly building
your moral Utopia and you want to convert Europe to you Catholic
alternative. Bulgarians prefer to make a comfortable nest in the EU and watch
to see if they can tease out a few more euros."
London Review of Books 30.11.2006 (UK)
Indian author Pankaj Mishra visited Shanghai whose rise to a capitalist
mega-metropolis he found as unsettling as that of Bombay. "To be an
Indian in a Chinese city is to find familiar not only the vast crowds,
the vivid street life, the open-fronted shops and food stalls, but also
the malls with their luxury brand-names, the shiny new Mercedes and
BMWs marooned in the intransigent traffic, the billboards for reality
TV shows, the websites mixing sexual exhibitionism with jingoism.(...)
It is hard not to wonder about the political outlook of the newly
affluent Chinese. Their inability to articulate it through elections
does not make any less urgent the question of what role they are likely
to play within China as well as in the wider world. For, given the
chance to vote, Indians have failed to prove the thesis that free
markets and regular elections lead to an enlightened and harmonious
society. India's new middle class tends to be conservative, if not
reactionary, consistently and overwhelmingly electing Hindu
nationalists as their representatives, despite the latter's repeated
assaults on Muslims and their equally murderous indifference to the
rural poor."